High-heel shoes worn in an overt sexual context. Fuck-me shoes, alternatively fuck-me boots, is a slang term for women's high-heeled shoes that exaggerate a sexual image. The term can be applied to any women's shoes that are worn with the intention of arousing others. Cfm Heels
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High-heel shoes worn in an overt sexual context. Fuck-me shoes, alternatively fuck-me boots, is a slang term for women's high-heeled shoes that exaggerate a sexual image. The term can be applied to any women's shoes that are worn with the intention of arousing others. Cfm Heels
"Come Fuck Me" high heel shoes, usually black stiletto pumps at least 4" tall, with pointy toes, often patent leather; putatively worn by a woman who wants to advertise her availability for sex. Cfm Heels
Best Answer: Stating this with the greatest possible political correctness.... This type of notably high heel, when worn on a woman with shapely legs, evokes feelings of desire in the opposite sex. While terminology has change since the 80's, hormones have not. You get the idea. Cfm Heels
With new leather pants and new black cfm heels in the garden. The Big Cat by Christina Saint Marche 51 55 I often let the Big Cat rest his head as I see him two ways. First, I see the child in him. Sensitive and needing. Foremost, I see the warrior in him. The hunter, the protector who possesses the speed of light when it comes to the killshot. Cfm Heels
Browse CFM, heels, high heels pictures, photos, images, GIFs, and videos on Photobucket Cfm Heels